5201 Hollywood Boulevard – El Adobe Market

The adorable, Spanish-themed El Adobe Market opened on June 30, 1928 at 5201 Hollywood Boulevard on the northwest corner of Hollywood and Kingsley. Designed by architect Arthur Kelly, it might have been a movie set, down to the old oxcart in the courtyard and the Spanish names painted on the vending stalls (“frutas” for fruits, “verduras” for vegetables” etc).

The site, addressed as 5203 Hollywood Boulevard, had been home to pioneer resident, dentist C. V. Baldwin and his wife Alice, who came to Los Angeles in 1878. Dr. Baldwin passed away in February 1927 at the age of 92.

On March 4, 1928, plans were made public for the office and retail building that became the El Adobe Market. Los Angeles was already in love with car culture, reflected in the market’s drive-in design.

Artist’s drawing of the building that would house the El Adobe Market. LA Times 3/4/1928

Opening ad for the El Adobe Market, LA Times 6/29/1928.

The El Adobe Market c. 1937. LAPL photo.

The El Adobe Market’s courtyard and oxcart c. 1937. LAPL photo.

Interior of the El Adobe Market, 1942. LAPL photo.

El Adobe Market c. 1970. The tall building adjacent is the Guardian Arms Apartments, which opened the same day as the El Adobe Market, June 30, 1928. In June 1958, it was renamed the Hollywood Hotel Apartments.

El Adobe Market in recent times. Photo from youarehere.com

El Adobe Market is still in business.

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